Pet Haven is located in Ridgely, TN. We are a non-profit no kill shelter. At this time we are not a 501c3 Shelter.
- To see out adoptable dogs and how to adopt see page Our Adoptables and Rescues
- To find out where we are located see page Location
- To leave a review or find out how to reach us see page Comments
- To see how to donate to us see page Donations & About Us
- To learn more about how to volunteer with the shelter or our owner/volunteers see page Donations and About Us
- To find out what events we will be at with our dogs see page Upcoming Events
- To Find out more on fostering our dogs see page Foster With Us
- Have a question that you don't see on the table of contents or any of the other pages? Check page Questions and Answers
As of July 1st 2024 the State of Tennessee has a new law that creates clear expectations for owners on caring for their pets:
- Access to shelter, shade, water, food, and a clean environment.
- A Shelter must be constructed of sound and substantial material that is sufficient to protect the dog from inclement weather.
- A shelter must have a roof and to be enclosed on all sides with an entrance of adequate size for the dog to enter.
- A shelter must have a solid surface, resting platform, pad, floormat, or similar device that is large enough for the dog to lie on in a normal manner and that can be maintained in a sanitary manner.
- In the summer months the structure must be properly shaded and in the winter months the shelter must be fitted with a sufficient quantity of bedding material, when necessary.
- The structure or structures must be of a sufficient size or number to provide shelter to each dog present.
Thank you Sen. Jon Lundberg, Rep. John Crawford and Rep. Clay Doggett for caring for animals.
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